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Institute of Ecological Hydrology
Release date:2016-05-29     Clicks:

Institute of Ecological HydrologyTime :2016-05-29

General introduction and background

With China’s fast economic development, the aquatic ecosystem is on the receiving end of growing threats from intensive anthropogenic activities. Eco-hydrology has become a blooming field and an important part of environmental science.

Eco-hydrology focuses on the interaction between hydrological and ecological processes.

Research Areas

Eco-hydrological process, influence, and simulation

Theory, method and application of environmental flow

Eco-hydrological protection and rehabilitation

Eco-hydrological security regulation, management and digital basin


Catching up with the international research frontiers and meeting the national needs with professionals in both basic theory and applied technology.

Main research work

1Basic Theory Research

The influence of hydrological patterns and processes on the transport of nutrients and biology;

Feedback mechanisms of the ecological patterns on the hydrological processes;

The dynamic mechanism of environmental flows and its spatial-temporal variation.

2Applied Technology Research

Ecological security regulations and ecological compensation;

Eco-hydrological, eco-hydraulic models and technologies for hydro-ecological rehabilitation;

Water resource allocation and hydro-ecological security regulation.
